In September 2019, after a rather tiresome year in corporate, Nanna tied up her hiking boots and went on a month long hike along the South West Coast Path all by her lonesome self. It was fab’.
Here follows a day-by-day account, written in situ:

Status day 1:
3 dogs
6 humans
2 squirrels
Countless insects
Assorted birds, including a raven
3 ponies
Blackberries eaten: 5, no, strike that. A lot
Hotel room: has Netflix and season 1 of #DrWho – #ChristopherEccelston rules

Status day 2:
Various muscles in ankles hurting (wasn’t previously aware of their existence)
Song stuck in head: Whiskey Lullaby (for no particular reason)
Two ravens spotted, but sadly not Odin
Thought of the day: State funded dental care is a very good thing
#epiphanyornotadamnthing #southwestcoastpath #nodonkeybutnocomplaints

Status day 3:
Weather: Fair and rather windy as you can see.
Worries: Would ankles kill me on today’s walk.
Worries actually worth having: None.
Wonderful people met: 8 – mother and daughter from Salisbury on 10-day walk; two friends (“posties”, they called themselves, think Postman Pat) that made sure I wasn’t bored the last 5K of today’s walk; lovely couple from Derbyshire who hadn’t been “down ‘ere” for 40 years, telling me all about their “three good lads”; Jenny, my delightful hostess at the Pack O’ Cards Inn (never been called “my lovely” so many times in so short a time span or by someone so much younger than me); Chris, the charming host of said establishment, making sure I felt welcome.
Water drunk: Too little but I had a lovely Cornish Pale Ale to make up for it.
Weird incidents: ‘Teenage mums’ made a real-life appearance at the inn at dinner time, complete with rear bumper tattoos and bawling kids.😳 #sogladmykidsarealmostgrown #epiphanyornotadamnthing #southwestcoastpath